You planned to have the best life that you could provide and you wanted everything to be perfect, you never wanted to struggle like your parents did when you were growing up. So you took a job with great benefits and it paid well, you continued to work your way through the company and get promotion after promotion. You lived a secure life and thought that was all life was meant to be, to live better than you grew up. But as you were growing gray you realized that the dreams you had to change the world when you were younger, you buried them for a life that was secure. As you realize what you gave you up, you start to feel regret for your decisions and wish you lived life with more risks. So the question becomes is life about security or chasing dreams? A quote I heard that confirmed how I looked at my purpose in life was “you can either build your vision or someone will pay you to build there’s.” A vision for your life is what you dream about as a kid that then becomes a passion as you get older. So we can either chase our passions or get paid to chase someone else’s passion. In my opinion people who chase the passion that’s been brewed inside of them always tend to be happier and live life without regrets. Those who chose security, are never really pleased with where they are. Millennial’s should be the generation to buck the trend of a secure job and find hope and happiness in letting our passions burn. Dreaming isn’t for just kids, teenagers, young adults and adults can have dreams and chase them. Don’t live a life unfulfilled for a secure life.