Citizen Of The World

We should all be citizens of the world.

What does this statement above mean?

We are all humans inhabiting this planet. Although we inhabit this world, we are not citizens of the world. Being a citizen of the world is a duty that we have to take upon ourselves. As citizens of the United States, we have civil duties that we consistently comply with such as voting. It is instilled into us that we need to vote because it is our civil duty. We should consider where our conviction lies in being a citizen of the world.

Why do we need citizens of the world?

As time has progressed in the world, humans morals have been forgone. We have strayed away from the path that we once walked as the human race. I have seen us move towards a place of self interest instead of interest of the other person.

The current climate of the world is to get yours and forget everyone. We have human rights being violated, people starving, people killing other people, people unable to pay their bills, people killing themselves and people stopped from bettering their way of life. How can we combat this? By stepping forward as citizens of the world.

The millennial generation, and the generations coming forward, have an opportunity to end so many things that have been put in place by generations from the past. We as individuals need to open our eyes and see being a citizen of the world as a civil duty. We have become bystanders as other people have imposed their will on the way of life and the world. Some of us are bystanders by choice and others by a lack of knowledge.

We need to expect more from our peers and hold ourselves accountable. We need to not allow certain things to pass and not say anything. Issues such as police brutality, racism, or bullying are issues we need to speak on. Our peers may not have been taught to be better, but by trying to hold them accountable and expecting more from them, we can teach them as well as change their actions.

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